Thursday, April 23, 2015

Social sentiment on #NetNeutrality

I've been harvesting social conversation on #NetNeutrality, now its just a day to go before TRAI's deadline for comments by public ends. Here is a 3 hr snapshot looks like,

Cheers, StaticFix
PS. I’m using Power BI (viz)/MongoDB (data store) combination.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Convert EPOCH timestamp to MSSQL (TSQL) timestamp

Easy conversion by below multiple dateadd calls is the only option available

select dateadd(ms, cast ([Column Name] AS BIGINT)%(3600*24*1000), dateadd(day, cast ([Column Name] as bigint)/(3600*24*1000), '1970-01-01 00:00:00.0'))

Note: Assuming [Column Name] is imported in varchar format