Saturday, April 12, 2008

SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

SQL Server does not exist or access denied. (with SQL 2005 Server)

Troubleshooting steps are as below:

First, telnet 1433
If connection could not be established then

Issue seems to be that you have not enabled the remote connections on the SQL 2005, to do this
1. Go to Surface area COnfiguration from Start - Programs - Microsoft SQL 2005 - Configuration Tools - SQL Server Surface Area Configuration

2. Select Surface area configuration for services and connections

3. Select Remote Connections from Database Engine dropdown list and enable 'Local and Remote Connection'

else if you are able to telnet, check the remote db user privilage you are trying to connect.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Permission denied to call method

Now, this is an age old issue right!!!!

But still i see people asking this question, so its here...

Every web browser puts the security restriction on connections over n/w including our XMLHTTPREQUEST, now this security restriction prevents (the infamous jscript pop up sometimes in IE, wud you like to allow connection to this insercured connection) your scripts in your web application to open the connection to the service in another server but it does allow the call if your required service and application reside in same server (so who wants that!!! rite), and the only workaround is create a proxy in your server (this makes the call and return data )so your scripts can access.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Why do i get a Download of Specified resource has failed error when using XMLDOM?

Best method to debug this issue is to run the requested url / page separately and check for errors.

Additionaly you may do the following to troubleshoot the issue as this is more like a permissions error. Anonymous IIS account cannot access the resource but you can.

Try following
1. Insert a Response.write(Server.HTMLEncode(xmlHTTP.ResponseText)) command
just after requesting the file on the server. If you get back the correct
data, then it's not a permissions error.
2. Check if requests are reaching the requested page in server.